ECG Management System

ECG Management For Single Users
NEMS-A is a comprehensive and efficient ECG data management solution for single users, the local installation offers simple access and management of all ECG records, including serial ECG comparison. It allows for data acquisition from various types of ECG tests such as Resting ECG, Stress Test ECG, Long-Term ECG Monitoring, Holter ECG, Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Telemetry, and Spirometry. NEMS-A seamlessly integrates with HIS/EHR and provides easy management, tracking, and organization of studies and patient data.
NEMS-A - ECG Management System
NEMS-A - ECG Management System
NEMS-A - ECG Management System
International Standard
GDT (via PC sw)
Recording Days



  • NEMS-A is a comprehensive data management solution that combines integrated studies and patient records in a single application, allowing efficient management, tracking, and organization of ECG data.
  • Designed for single users and local installation, NEMS-A offers a simple way to view, analyze, and manage ECGs, with automation of processes, storage, and ECG display to improve patient care while reducing processing times and costs.
  • NEMS-A accepts ECG reports from various cardiograph manufacturers, offers seamless integration with HIS/EHR, and enables serial ECG comparison.
Download operations manual
  • Multiuser ECG SQL Database
  • Access to Shared Files
  • Simple Management and Access to all ECG Records
  • Serial ECG Comparison
Download operations manual


  • NEMS-A is a comprehensive data management solution that combines integrated studies and patient records in a single application, allowing efficient management, tracking, and organization of ECG data.
  • Designed for single users and local installation, NEMS-A offers a simple way to view, analyze, and manage ECGs, with automation of processes, storage, and ECG display to improve patient care while reducing processing times and costs.
  • NEMS-A accepts ECG reports from various cardiograph manufacturers, offers seamless integration with HIS/EHR, and enables serial ECG comparison.


  • Multiuser ECG SQL Database
  • Access to Shared Files
  • Simple Management and Access to all ECG Records
  • Serial ECG Comparison


  • NEMS-A integration to your HIS/EHR solution or cardiac imaging suite allows accessing ECG information during patient care.
  • Process Automation


  • Simple Management and Access to all ECG Records
  • Effortless Integration to Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Electronic Health Records (EHR), & Cardiology Information Systems
  • Serial ECG Comparison

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  • SQL Database
  • Multi-Users
  • Simple Management and Access
  • Effortless Integration to HIS/ EHR
Learn more

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    Christof-Ruthof-Weg 10, D55252 Mainz-Kastel
    Fax: (+49) 6134 567983-14


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